Feature Articles
“Are late dinners making us sick?” [Salon, 2022]
“What if we just buy off Big Fossil Fuel?” [CounterPunch, 2018]
“5,000 to 1!” [Slate, 2016]
“Bernie Sanders can’t win?” [Columbia Journalism Review, 2015]
“The Rise of Big Generic” [Truthout, 2015]
“Starving Your Way to Vigor” [Harper’s, 2012]
“Un ayunador no es un muerto de hambre” [Etiqueta Negra, 2012]
(Spanish version of “Starving Your Way to Vigor”)
“The Empty Stomach: Fasting to Beat Jet Lag” [Harper’s, 2012]
“Promised Land” [Orion, 2005]
“The Singer” [DoubleTake, 2000]
Book Reviews
“Doctor of Death and Deceit” [Washington Post, 2011]
“History’s few originals” [San Francisco Chronicle, 2004]
“Brown and Out” [Grist, 2004]
“Crossing the line—a risky journey of hope” [San Francisco Chronicle, 2004]
“Blinded by the rockets’ red glare” [San Francisco Chronicle, 2004]
“The Conflicted Legacy of Dennis Banks” [CounterPunch, 2017]
“Trump’s Decent Willing Executioners, Liberally Explained” [CounterPunch, 2016]
“Hillary Clinton and the Northern Strategy” [CounterPunch, 2016]
“Come Again? Second Thoughts on Ashley Madison” [CounterPunch, 2015]
“Will FIFA’s World Cup Sexism Ever Die?” [CounterPunch, 2015]
“Smeared again: The mainstream media v. Bernie Sanders” [Boulder Weekly, 2015]
“The Ghost of Anna Mae” [CounterPunch, 2014]
“Climate Devastation, Anyone?” [Salon, 2013]
“Panama Nails a CIA Torture Capo” [CounterPunch, 2013]
“More Torture, Please” [CounterPunch and History News Network, 2010]
“Thanksgiving We Can Believe In” [CounterPunch and Common Dreams, 2008]
“Unquiet Eternities” [Jesus’ General, 2007]
“Little Bighorn memorial a mixed symbol at best” [Denver Post, 2003]
“Fleece or Flannel?” [Boston Globe, 1998]